07/04/2018   |   IN BLOG   |   BY BRAINFITSTUDIO


Fit Brains Learn Better!

We are the only cognitive development center in Thailand that adhere to neuro-scientific principles in all our courses.

A weak brain has to work very hard to perform these routine functions, and affects a child’s learning ability inside and outside the classroom.

A weaker brain is also less able to hold attention during learning, listening, or doing other tasks.

Our Smart Moves, Smart Vision, and Smart Listening (Fast forWord) classes provide focused exercises that improve brain Fitness

Here is a broad overview of our sensory-motor system that we have to use to perform routine tasks

Sensory-Motor and Visual Processing


The ability of the brain to efficiently process information input from our senses, and output in proper co-ordinated movements.

Our ability to stand, run, jump, hold pencil properly and write clearly depends on how fit our sensory-motor system is.



Vestibular System

The vestibular system in the inner ear receives information about movement and body position in space.

 Works specifically to:

- Maintain head stability

- Assist postural tone

- Keep balance in all positions

- Maintain stable eye movements

- Give physical and emotional security



- Proprioception refers to the automatic awareness of the positions of our arms and legs.

- Enables us to identify

- Direction and speed of movement

- Strength necessary for holding/ lifting objects

- Information on body position in space

- Body parts and their relations


Ocular Control

- Ocular control is the smooth and coordinated movement of the eyes

- For accurate and rapid eye tracking

- Tracking horizontally from left to right; required skill for reading fluency





Tactile system



- Tactile refers to the sensory messages received through our skin

- Our sense of touch

- This is the first sensory system to be developed and matured.

- The tactile discriminative system

- Provides the brain with precise information regarding size, shape and texture of objects in the environment without looking at them.


Auditory Processing

Sound travels very fast through the air, and spoken language is a string of many short sounds arriving at the ear with a short span of time.

Our ability to listen accurately depends on how fast our Temporal lobe can process these sounds.

Listening accuracy is also the foundation for language and reading success.

Using advanced technology based on scientific research, Fast ForWord begins by improving listening accuracy, phonics, and then trains the brain for higher reading skills such as decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and even critical thinking.






The ability of the brain to receive, organize, interpret, and use the vast amount of sensory information that enters the body and neurological system through both external and internal simuli.

All our courses focus on improving individual skills as well as our ability to use different foundations all at the same time.

For example, playing a piano requires good auditory processing (listening to sounds), sensory-motor (controlling the hand to hit the keys), as well as visual processing (reading notes) - at the same time.



Attention and Emotion

A weakness in any of these areas in a child’s brain may show up as a child having poor attention in things that they do.  When we improve a child’s brain is working at its peak, they naturally have more attention and become more confident.


Our courses

All students are assessed initially to see their true foundation in all these areas. BrainFit Studio will then recommend which courses to train for each child at the right intensity so maximum gains can be made within the shortest time.


Contact us now for more information: 02-656-9938-9 (Yes, we do speak English!)


Contact Us

If you would like to have your child attend our course, or you would simply like more information, please contact us today.

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